Word for the day by Christian Education Forum


                                                  “I will walk in my house with blameless heart” (2)

Introduction—David’s Vow to God
In Deuteronomy chapter 17 we read God’s instructions to the king of Israel when he takes over the throne. King David was aware of these instructions and made a solemn vow to God when he became king. His pledge and resolutions are the content of Psalm 101. The study of Psalm 101 will expose us to an excellent model for a personal life, family life and a good government.  There are two parts in David’s resolution, some “Do’s” and some “Do not’s”.  David vows to sing of God’s love and justice all the time, walk with a pure heart, lead a blameless life and to keep company with the faithful people.  The “do not” list includes to have nothing to do with evil and to keep away from the company of evildoers,   never allow slander, haughty eyes, a proud heart or deceit.  David vows that false talking will be alien to him.
Call to  Life of Integrity, Not Hypocrisy
Psalm 101 is a call for us to live a life of integrity, a life pleasing to God and men. It advises us not to live life aimlessly without a plan or direction. Making a choice in life involves rejecting certain things in order to accept some other thing. There is no room for compromise. Again, there is what is right and what is perceived as right. To know what is right, one has to have a relationship with the author of rights and truth—and that is God. We may put on a good front on Sunday morning in the church, but what about our behavior at home—what do we see and hear? What are our thoughts and words? Whose company do we enjoy? We are called to live a life of integrity, not one of hypocrisy. “The hypocrite carries his Bible under his arm, not in his heart,” says Puritan Thomas Watson.  In 1 Thess. 4:7, the apostle Paul exhorts, “For God did not call us to be impure, but live a holy life.”
Aim to follow the High Calling in Christ Jesus
How can we live a blameless life? The Word of God says, “No one is perfect, none righteous, no not one.” That’s why David asks God, “When will you come to me?” David’s cry to God is to “create in me a clean heart O God.” David yearns for an authentic relationship; a life completely committed to kingdom living is the beginning of a blameless life. If we abide by the admonitions given in Psalm 101, life will be simply better in every way.  It will transform our lives into lives of excellence. Paul correctly identified the call and wrote, “I press on toward the goal to win the prize of for which God had called me heavenward in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:14). Let us submit ourselves to the high calling and aim to live lives of integrity and excellence.

Prayer: Almighty God Our Heavenly Father, you created us in your own image. Help us to live a life of integrity and excellence pleasing to God and men., Amen.

Thought for the Day:  “We cannot control what goes in the world, but we can control what goes in our home.”

M.C. Varughese, Epiphany MTC, NY

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