Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

He makes us rich

 You know the generous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that by his poverty he could make you rich.”  (9)

Christ became poor to make us rich.  His image bearers will do the same, no less.  In whose image were we created?  Do we realize the wealth that is given to us every single day? This wealth can never be exhausted.  It can never be repaid.  It can only be used daily. We are saved to serve.  We have not been saved by Jesus because we deserve it.  We are saved to serve. Our relationship with the last and the least is strengthens as our relationship with the LORD grows.  As Jesus ministered to us, we should minister to others.  Our relationship with God is a gift.  We have to take time to strengthen that relationship, as in the case of our healthy human relationships.   Lack of communication between spouses eventually leads to divorce, the same kind of divorce will take place when we neglect our time with God.

Now we are no longer the last, the least, nor the lost, but we are the lighted, to lighten. Christ Jesus has lit us.  He gave everything to light us! We should meditate daily on this amazing truth.   And he does not light us with an extinguishable light.  He lights us greater than the sun lights our solar system.  He lights us with a light that can never be put out.  When we stumble, he continuously supports us as He did the disciples when they fell asleep while he was praying.  When our past condemns us, his voice comforts us as it did the woman condemned in His day.  His voice in us must be clearer than any other voice in our lives, because his voice is the Father’s voice; His love is the Father’s love. In the end, God asks us to abound in the grace of giving (v.7) so that when we stand before Him on judgment day, we will come to Him with empty hands, because we’ve given all our lives.

“He is no fool who gives up that which he cannot keep in order to gain that which he cannot lose.”
Jim Elliot, 20th century martyr

A Puritan’s Prayer: “O Source of all Good, What shall I render to Thee for the gift of gifts,
Thine own dear Son, begotten, not created,  He came below to raise me above,  He was born like me that I might become like Him. Herein is love;  when I cannot rise to Him He draws near on wings of grace,  to raise me to Himself. In Him Thou hast given me so much that heaven can give no more.” (From “The Valley of Vision”)

Thought for the day: Jesus gave it all for us.  Will we even give some for our all, Jesus?  Does Galatians 2.20 truly apply to us?
This is a way to prove how true your love is. – 2 Cor. 8.8 (NLV) “Do you love me?” – John 21.17 (NIV) Jesus has gone before us, he has prepared a place for us; he began and finishes our faith so we can join him where he is. Let us remember that the last, the least and the lost will become the first, the most and the found as we find  final rest in God.  “Though a man dies, yet shall he live.” – Jesus (John 11.25)
Adarsh Abraham, Long Island MTC, NY





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