The Lenten Musings 35
Read: Mark 5: 1-20
It is quite normal for many of us to offer a penny or food when we see someone
begging or homeless. The first lessons on giving are taught by parents to their
children is by normally giving something to the man on the street. For
many people it would be strange news when they know that in United States there
are sizable people who are homeless and are in dire needs of food, shelter and
clothing. Hence looking at the countless people who are homeless and in need of
food, organizations especially those organizations related to church's do
food drive or help out in community kitchen to feed the homeless. However, a
recent news item about laws regarding helping the homeless is creating ripples
and sense of disgust among the minds of common people. According to laws that
have been passed by different city council, feeding the homeless is banned and
if you are caught feeding the homeless then you could be fined. This depends on
which city that you live. Some of the cities that have banned feeding the
homeless is Philadelphia, New York, Orlando, Houston, Las Vegas and the list
goes on. In other cities where feeding the homeless is not banned, many
requirements are put if you want to feed the homeless. The requirements like
taking food preparation course, acquiring expensive permits are some of them.
One may feel absurd at why such rule has been imposed. When asked as to why
feeding the homeless is banned, the reasons are varied. Some cities feel
that there are health risk involved when so called good samaritans distribute
food, while other feel that they don't want the homeless people to congregate
in one particular part of the city where they will be fed and many other such
reasons. The city has in fact asked the law enforcement agencies to help them
to enforce this rule. In a country where more and more people are denied place
in shelter homes, and are now on the streets, when government is finding
it hard financially in helping these homeless people, it is strange that instead
of looking at a humanitarian way of solving the issue of feeding and taking
care of the homeless, the government, city and civic official are turning to
the law books, to eradicate the issue of homeless people. The
reasons that the city gives in banning the feeding of the homeless could be
justified according to them, but then one needs to think whether an
alternate provisions in the law has been created or envisaged so that the
homeless do not go hungry or are denied shelter homes. I think we live today,
where we want our world to be beautiful, where we don't want the sight of
the homeless, the poor, the wanderer to be a part of our environment. And the
best way to drive them away is to annihilate them. At this time of lent, it is
important that we think whether we can widen our world to incorporate into our
world and whether we could be sensitive to the need of those people who are
denied the basic rights like food, shelter and clothing.
In Mark 5, we find Jesus Christ making a deviation in his journey. He
deliberately goes to the land of Gerasenes. His intention of going to Gerasenes
is because in that mountain, in that valley lives a demon possessed man. A man
who lives all by himself, a man who lived by the tomb. Mark describes the
man as someone who was very strong, that nobody could bind him even with
chains and a man who always hurt himself and cry out. A man who lives isolated
life or a man who has been condemned by the people, the society to live isolated
life. It is to this unknown man that Jesus goes and searches for him. As Jesus
comes in searching for him, the man is surprised and shouts to Jesus Christ,
asking him what is it that He wants to do with him, or in other sense what is
the relationship or the cause that makes Jesus Christ to come to him. The man
request Jesus Christ not to hurt him. He is already hurt, his life is in a mess
and in isolation. It is from this crisis of isolation, the crisis of isolation
and being denied of one's basic right, that Jesus Christ brings healing to this
man, making him well. In v: 15, we find that when Jesus heals him, he becomes
normal; dressed and in the right state of mind. A man who lived in social
isolation or was forced to live in isolation is brought back to the main frame
of the society, to the same society which denied his basic right of
shelter, food and clothing. Here is Jesus Christ teaching through his encounter
with Legion, that the need of the hour is not to shunt out those people who are
homeless or who are different from us out from the main frame of the society,
on the contrary work or plan in such a way that every person feels that he/she
is part of the society, irrespective of his financial, or social status. Jesus
teaches us to widen our world so that we could incorporate those less fortunate
people, also to be a part of our wide world. Let us therefore not think how to
annihilate those who are less fortunate, on the contrary devise laws and
reforms so that the issue of poverty, distribution of wealth and food are all
seen in the right perspective, thus making our world more humane and also
sensitive to the needs of the less fortunate ones. That is what we need to do
this lent.
Rev. Dr. Joe Joseph Kuruvilla