Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

Legacy of faith
Hebrews 11: 24-40
Hebrews 11:39 “These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised”.
In the Marthoma Liturgy, when the congregation comes to the Holy Communion table we chant, “Now as we come to your table, we recall those gone before us. Grant their lives be an example, may we use their teaching as our guide.” The faith of great men and women of God from the past inspires and guides us.  In Hebrews 11, Paul recalls the great believers of the Old Testament and their accomplishments. They lived in different times and had different backgrounds, but all had one thing in common. “These were all commended for their faith” vs. 39. These men and women of God left a legacy of faith.
Faith in choices: Moses was raised in the Pharaoh’s palace. He grew up with all the luxuries of a royal family. Yet, when he came of age, he refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh. Letting go of earthly pleasures is never an easy choice. As humans, we long for comfort and convenience. By faith, Moses made tough choices.  By faith, he chose to leave Egypt. By faith, he chose to keep the Passover. By faith, he chose to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Is our faith reflected in the choices we make?
Faith in doing God’s work: Joshua must have thought it was ‘insane’ or ‘impossible’.  Nevertheless, he and the people marched around the walls of Jericho. By faith, the walls fell on the seventh day. Faith led these men and women to do extraordinary works. From Gideon to Daniel, they conquered kingdoms, and shut the mouth of lions. These impossible tasks were accomplished by faith. Is our faith leading us to do extraordinary works for God?
Faith in suffering: While many experienced victories in faith, many others were severely mistreated, tortured and even killed. Having steadfast faith in God does not guarantee a happy, carefree life. On the contrary, our faith almost guarantees us some form of abuse from this world.  Keeping our faith in the promises of God will help us to keep going in this world of suffering. Is our faith strong in the face of suffering?

Prayer: Lord, Jesus, thank you for the lives of great men and women in the Bible who have left us a legacy of faith to follow.Help us to be faithful in our choices, faithful in our actions, and faithful in our sufferings, Amen.

Chris Thomas, St.John’s MTC, NY.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, Thank you for the lives of great men and women in the bible who have left us a legacy of faith to follow. Help us to be faithful in our choices, faithful in our actions, and faithful in our sufferings. Amen.

 Prayer: Lord Jesus, Thank you for the lives of great men and women in the bible who have left us a legacy of faith to follow. Help us to be faithful in our choices, faithful in our actions, and faithful in our sufferings. Amen.
 Prayer: Lord Jesus, Thank you for the lives of great men and women in the bible who have left us a legacy of faith to follow. Help us to be faithful in our choices, faithful in our actions, and faithful in our sufferings. Amen.

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