Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

Matthew. 1: 18-23.

When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. (Matthew 1:24)
What is righteousness if it is not practiced according to the plan of God? Joseph the carpenter of Nazareth lived as a righteous man. He chose the disagreeable when he understood the mind of God. It is one thing to choose the disagreeable and another thing to go into the disagreeable by God's engineering. That is the life of Joseph, as we read in the Bible. If God puts you in such a place, the life of Joseph is a model. He assures us about the all sufficient God who will guide us through.

 Joseph takes powerful decision: The righteous man becomes the husband and guardian of a village girl who could have been stoned to death otherwise. Joseph wanted to marry a virgin but not a pregnant lady. When he realized the plan of God, Joseph decided to become a fool for the sake of obeying the divine will. In a world where the fame and dignity of the other person is tarnished for the sake of one's own position and recognition, Joseph stands out challenging all. He gives himself to redeem a person and to accept the other as an extension of his own life. Joseph took Mary as his wife- a very powerful decision.

Joseph pays the cost of the decision: Joseph did not count the cost for his obedience. He took the long journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem with Mary who was to deliver the baby at any time. He had to close the carpenter's shop for a very long time as he had to go with Mary to Bethlehem and with his family to Egypt for a long time. Then they went to Galilee before returning to Nazareth. The journey was not safe and secure. There was no guarantee that his workshop will be intact and he would get all his customers again. Who would take such a journey these days with all the risks involved for the sake of keeping the family? It needs commitment. It needs faith.

With our busy schedules and hectic pace of life, are we willing to adjust our lives and take risks for the sake of keeping the family that comes to us as a divine plan. The main thing in Christian life is not the work we keep for the material well being but the relationship we maintain and the atmosphere we create in the family by respecting that relationship.

Prayer: Teach us O Lord, to seek the righteousness of God. We thank you for the divine relationships you have given us in a family set up. Help us to grow from there to Thy Kingdom.  Amen





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