Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
1Corinthians 10:14-22
Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation in the blood of Christ? And is not the bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ? (1Cor. 10:16)
Paul reveals that the Corinthian Church has somehow developed serious setbacks including disorderly worships, sacramental abuses, moral derailment, and other doctrinal shortfalls. Being one of the largest cities with growing, multifaceted population within the Roman territory, Corinth already had a few black marks such as high level corruption, immorality, and social injustice.
Paul’s appeal for sanctified life: In one way, Paul’s words provide great encouragement for those who are faced with such issues in Christian maturing. In another way, Paul is using strong words as a committed Christian figure, prompting people to give up undesired pathways and come back to the love of Christ. Paul, in fact got involved in the common lives of the people whom he had witnessed to. Some of the words written by Paul are almost like commands from Christ. If it was not for Paul, one could have easily been discouraged in one’s trial to restore spiritual order and integrity in daily lives of the people of Corinth. For many of us who lead busy city lives, Paul’s words carry great messages, messages bound to correcting our very life practices. Living a sanctified life has become a tedious task and a daunting challenge for modern men, but possible with such inspiring words of conviction from Paul.
Paul’s appeal for Communal participation: This is one of the two passages in 1Corinthians where the Lord’s Supper is referred (other is in chapter 11). Verse 16 and 17 are very important in this regard. “Is not the cup of thanks giving …is not the bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ. Because there is one loaf, we, who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one loaf.” Two things are to be noted here. One, in sharing Lord’s Supper we affirm our exclusive loyalty to God. It is the covenant loyalty to one God as against the idols mentioned here in this passage. We cannot have a participation of the Lord’s Table and the demon’s table simultaneously. Secondly, the Lord’s Supper that demands our undivided allegiance to God leads us to wider koinonia – meaning - a communal participation. This is the concern for “the brother of sister for whom Christ died” (8:11) At this moment while we empathize with the victims of hurricane Sandy, especially the people in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, we should remember that we are committed to extend our helping hands to those of our brothers and sisters who are going trough the most agonizing experience of life. Our participation in the Lord’s Supper inspires us to a life and lifestyle of witnessing – Christ’s dying for others and being raised by God.
Prayer: Lord, sanctify us with thy blood and renew our hearts so that we may participate in the needs of the community as we participates the Lord’s Supper Amen.
Dr. Eapen Daniel, Philadelphia