Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

Romans: 10:12-18
For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.  

(Rom.10: 13)
In the given passage Apostle Paul clearly explains about the need for salvation, and the way to get salvation. In the Old Testament importance was given to everything on the basis of law, but in New Testament we see how righteousness is portrayed in relation to faith. Salvation has been made available to us through Christ. Therefore to receive this we need not have to go to anywhere. God took the form of human being and lived among us. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, salvation has been given to everyone. As a created being our responsibility is to receive the salvation through fully believing in Christ.
Death and resurrection of Jesus makes all the difference: The faith affirmation of the early Christians was Jesus Christ as Lord and savior, and even today we as the followers of Christ need to affirm and proclaim that God raised him from among the dead. We have to believe it through our heart and mind. Apostle Paul says, no one can say Jesus as Lord without the power of Holy Spirit. When we affirm and proclaim the Lordship of Christ, we accept Jesus’s incarnation, death, resurrection and His control over the universe. The resurrection gives the meaning and significance to the cross of Jesus. The death of Jesus is significantly different from the death of others, because Jesus’s death paves way to resurrection. Whatever we have in our heart will proclaim through our mouth. The salvation experience we have in our heart will enable us to proclaim, and it will come out as a faith song.  The faith that doesn’t come out from our heart and mind will not be a right one. It will simply act as a mechanical.
Proclaiming the Gospel – our vocation: We are called to proclaim the Gospel of Christ to everyone upon this earth. Affirming our faith in Christ is important to receive salvation. We have a responsibility to grow and live in that faith. Also we have a mission to bring everyone to this salvation experience. Church as a faith community, we need to reveal the blessing we receive through salvation to all people. We are called to partake in the salvific act of Christ. May the Almighty enable each one of us to experience the blessings of salvation in our day-to-day life

Prayer: O, God help us in our weakness and failures, so that we may believe in you as our Savior and Master. Amen
Rev. K. P. Thomas, Dallas

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