Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

Psalms 36

For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light. Continue your love to those who know you, your righteousness to the upright in heart. (Psalms 36: 9,10)
When we look at the world around us, we can see the sadness of injustice that is present.  Just click on CNN where we can see how sad the world is around us and how there are people who are turning away from God. 
But from all the violence, hate and injustice that are portrayed, we as Christians are called out for a certain purpose.  This Psalm is recognizing the wickedness of the world, but at the same time recognizing the everlasting love God has for the world.

Wisdom of discerning sin: Many times in our lives we are caught up in sin and are turning towards the wrong direction that will cause us to fall into sin.  Many times we may want to change for the better, but find it very difficult to do so.  The sin we live in may end up growing to addictions.  Addictions often lead us towards ungodly situations where eventually we have to face the consequences of our actions. As the Psalm is expressing the hate for sin, we should also despise sin and by despising sin, it is a call for us to grow wiser in our spiritual journey to understand right from wrong and to guide ourselves towards the right direction.

 Experience of God’s steadfast Love: We also have to understand the Love God has for all of humanity.  The second part of the Psalm expresses that God’s love reaches the heavens and His faithfulness to the skies (verse 5).  It is very important to understand that God is always perfect, faithful and His love is a loyal commitment He has made for all of us.  Therefore understanding this love, it should be a reason for us to also work towards ways where we can become more sanctified in our spiritual journey.  The righteous, loyal and loving heart of God should be a way to have us open ourselves to dedicate all that we do to the glory of God because only through our relationship with Him, we are able to see the light (verse 9).

The ending of the Psalm is a cry for God to have His love and righteousness continue to be poured out to His people.  Verse 11 is a reminder to help us understand that we are weak and will fall towards pride and wickedness, so we have to continue to remain in Him who is strong in order to overcome the temptations of evil and not end up thrown down and not be able to rise (verse 12).

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for your steadfast love, even though I am a sinner, you never gave up on me.  I live by your grace alone.  Help me to understand your loyal nature so that I can be loyal in my faith and to walk towards godliness. Amen.

Jess M. George, Chicago



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