Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

Mathew 26:26-29
 While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.” (Matthew 26:26)
Holy Quarbana and Baptism are the Dominical sacraments. These two have the sanction of our Lord Jesus Christ and are compulsory to all Christians. The meaning of the Latin word “Dominno” is Lord. The night in
which our Lord was betrayed, he ate the bread and drank the wine of the Passover and gave them to his disciples. “Take, eat and drink”. This command forms the words of institution of the Holy Quarbana. In Quarbana the Christian believers enter into a communion with Christ as well as with one another. Therefore it is called Holy Communion. This is also known as Lord’s Supper. Holy Communion is a sacrament of meaningful fellowship and boundless spiritual and Holistic remembrance.

It is an institution of giving himself as symbol of giving his whole life.

Holy Communion is a remembrance and the New Covenant

(a) Remembrance: When the Jews sat for the Passover meal, the Head of the family used to say that it was the bread of suffering which their forefathers ate at the time of their exodus from Egypt. (Exodus 13: 3-10)

But Jesus in N.T. added a new meaning to it, as self offering for the sins of the world. The words of institution (consecration) in the Liturgy “When the sinless one, of his own will, chose to suffer death for us sinners, he took bread in his holy hands. He gave thanks, blessed…. broke it and gave it to his Apostles saying “Take, eat, this is my body given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” Hence it is a remembrance of the deliverance from bondage of sin. It is God’s intervention in history to redeem us.

We remember God’s love and sharing his life, this we appropriate through faith and hope. Here Christ is the host (Luke 24: 35). He is known in the breaking of bread.

(b) The blood of the New covenant: In the same manner he took the cup. He gave thanks, blessed …… “This is my blood of the New Covenant shed for many for the forgiveness of sins.”

In Exodus 24: 4-8, we see the O.T. background. Moses sacrificed bull, and sprinkled half of the blood on the people and made a covenant with the people. “This is the blood of the covenant that the Lord has made with you.”

In N.T. the blood is not of bulls or goats, but it is the blood of Jesus. He is the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world.” In the Holy Communion the three great themes of human religious aspirations are fulfilled. That is Reconciliation, Offering and Communion.

Prayer: Lord we remember your death, burial and celebrate your resurrection. May your blessing rest upon us all. Amen

Rev. Dr. P. L. John Panicker, Vicar, Canadian MarThoma Church

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