The Journey 310

Read: Exodus 14, 16

America goes to the polls today, to elect as who will lead them for the next four years. It is important that everyone cast their vote, so that all citizens understand it is they who decide who will lead them and make their dreams and visions come true. But there is lot of cynicism in the people both young and old who feels that irrespective who comes to the White House, the going will be very tough because of the present precarious debt condition. But whatever be the case, staying away from elections only worsens the matter and hence the responsibility to cast the vote. The second thought that many people tend to carry in their mind, especially at times of elections is a popular refrain. This refrain could be seen in especially in middle class, who feels that the politicians are only using them to meet their selfish needs, and once the needs of the elected representative is met, they just don't care about the people who voted for them. Hence the feeling that “ we are being used” and the famous quote “ Oh I forgot...I exist only when you need something”. I think this refrain and quote is true not only with regards to certain politicians but also to our many relationships in life. In life there are times when you meet people and friends who suddenly appear in life and call you. You feel so happy that they called, but after a few seconds you realize that they are actually calling because they wanted something from you or needed your help. Once the need is taken care of then there is a long silence from their end….till the next need comes and lo….the phone rings again. This is when you realize that you are being used. I feel all of us have gone through such an experience at least a few times in life. This sometimes forces people not to make genuine relationships and also go through the process of not trusting others. Hence what is needed in our life is the constant strengthening of all our relationship, so that through the strengthening of our relationships, we all could feel that our presence is valued and respected rather being used for some need or purpose. This is one of the qualities that we need to exhibit as part of our witness of living transformed living through Christ. Hence let us ask a question to ourselves whether we are guilty of using our friends whenever a need arises and then dumping them till another need comes or whether we truly value and are genuine in our relationship with others ?

We are meditating on the theme “ Transformed Living” and the portion that we shall use for our meditation is from Exodus 14,16. This is two portion which show contrasting attitude of the Israelites. Chapter 14 describes how the Lord saves his people from the onslaught of the pharaoh’s army. As the Israelite flee, they suddenly come near the sea shore and realize to their horror that they are being pursued by the army of Pharaoh. The people complain to Moses stating that “ was it because there was no graves in Egypt that you have taken us away to die in the wilderness”[ Exodus 14:11]. What people express is not only their ingratitude but also in another way asking Moses to invoke the mighty power of God. For them what was needed was deliverance from the present danger. Moses shouts to the Lord and Lord hears their cry and He delivers them from the onslaught of the Pharaoh's army. The people sojourn again to the promised land and as they reach wilderness of Sin [ Exodus 16: 1], they start complaining again with the refrain that “ If only we had died by the hand of the Lord, in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the fleshpots and ate our fill of bread; for you have brought us out into this wilderness to kill this whole assembly with hunger”[ Exodus 16:3]. I am sure if we try to get into the shoes of Moses, he would have been so frustrated by these reaction of people. God had helped them in their times of need in the past and He is sufficient for them even as they journey to the promised land. But the Israelites are not ready or willing to have that faith perspective in life. They are also guilty of using Moses and God only as a tool to satisfy their immediate needs and later conveniently forgets everything that the Lord did to them and also blaming Moses for all their misfortunes. Here is a leader Moses who goes through the most traumatic events in life, but moves forward with dedication and commitment because of his calling. The Lord is angry at the ungratefulness of his people and he tells Moses about his displeasure and anger [Numbers 14: 11, 12]. Because of this ungratefulness the people of Israel and even Moses has to face deep repercussion later in life. The journey of Israelites to the promised land teaches us that in life let us not use neither our leaders, friends , other and even God only as a tool to cater to our immediate needs, but on the contrary use every opportunity to build and strengthen our web of relationship with everyone. Let us consciously communicate to our friends and others, that they and their relationships are valued, and they are not someone that are people who are to be used and later thrown away.

Rev. Dr. Joe Joseph Kuruvilla

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