Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
2 Corinthians 2:12-17
“For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing” (2Cor 2:15)
There will be always many things in life to keep us from experiencing peace of mind. Each of us could list dozen or more things that could make us unhappy in life. Even the apostle Paul did not experience peace of mind at times. In this passage Paul tells about his anxiety at Troas. Paul said that “the Lord has opened a door for me, but I still have no peace of mind”. That is somewhat surprising because it is believed that the believers have peace of mind all the time. Even though there was opportunity at Troas, Apostle Paul went to Macedonia. The reason for this departure is recorded at Acts. 16:8-10.
There are three things we can do to experience peace of mind in our lives: A grateful heart; a sense of significance and a sure destiny (2 Cor. 2:14)
Versus 14 to 16 are the difficult passages to understand by themselves. This passage came from the thought of an old Roman triumph ceremony. This ceremony Paul compared with Jesus Christ as a universal conqueror. During the Roman rule, the highest honor, which could be given to victorious Roman general, was Triumph. For this honor certain conditions were to be fulfilled. He must have been the actual commander-in-chief in the field, the task successfully fulfilled, the region pacified, bring back the victorious troops home and the captives with them.
The triumph victory was marched through the streets of Rome. This was the picture Paul had in his mind. He sees the Christ marching in triumph throughout the world. The triumph journey of Jesus is certain and nothing can stop it. In the traditional triumphant march of a General, the priests would be marching, swinging censors, with sweet smelling incense burning. This perfume of joy was triumph and life to the victors but the same perfume to the captives who walked nearby was the perfume of death.
Preaching the Gospel of the triumphant Christ is the perfume of joy and life for those who accept Jesus and it is the perfume of death for those who do not accept Jesus. This is the time to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior so that the perfume of the Gospel will be the perfume of Joy and life. Those who accept Jesus Christ, the Jesus Christ is the victor who rides in the chariot and He will take us to joy, triumph and life and eternity.
Prayer – Merciful and heavenly father, we come to thee with all our transgressions. Pardon us and help us so that we will be able to enjoy the perfume of joy and life. In Jesus name we pray Amen.
Dr. C. G. Abraham, St. Peters Mar Thoma Church, New Jersey