Word for the day by Christian Education Forum


Mark 5:1-20
Jesus did not let him, but said, “Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.”

(Mark 5:19)

The story of a man, who was possessed by demon in St. Mark 5: 1-20 is the depiction of the power of Jesus Christ over all evil powers. It is also the story of a man, who went through the path of pathos and agony, due to his evil associations. He is the proverbial figure of man, who suffers in this world, due to his evil association with evil powers of this world. This story also depicts the human ability to submit oneself before God to share the message of life giving experience to others, even in flicking situations.
Grace and Gratitude: Jesus does not give up on us because He loves us with an enduring love that can not be eroded by ones association with evil powers, a stubborn love that can not be changed by inconsistent circumstances. It is God’s grace that sustains us, from all chains of pathos and evil powers. We are therefore called to recognize this grace and to respond to it, from the bottom of our heart. The healed person of this story did that. We must accept and understand that we live daily by His grace. If we live daily by His grace, then there is an urgency of witnessing it and leading others to this grace. We too need to ask this question and try to find answer to it. In what way gratitude is necessary for a life of holiness and to communicate God’s message of grace to others? “Gratitude” the Greek Philosopher Cicero said, “are not only the greatest virtues but the parent of all others”.

The Urgency of Leading others to the Grace of God: Jesus healed this demon-possessed man with a sense of urgency. The healed man also showed his gratitude to Jesus by sharing the good news of his healing to other with a sense of urgency. We also need to follow this pattern of mission in our lives as healed persons. Jesus is the greatest missionary in the world history. His mission was to save people from their troubles and bring them to eternity. He saved this demon-possessed man from his death. The primary act of the healed man was his obedience to Christ and to Jesus’ message of healing. It was not a passive act of him, but an active response to the loving and sovereign initiative of Jesus on him. The more we submit to God, the more we will ultimately succeed in mission. We too have to act fast.

Prayer: Gracious Lord, that we may never consider anything as great but what is eternal. Give us, O lord a sense of urgency to witness your grace upon us in this world with a sense of urgency and gratitude.”

Rev. Joseph Daniel, University of Bern, Switzerland.

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