Word for the day by Christian Education Forum


PROVERBS 1: 20-33
 Then they will call to me but I will not answer;
they will look for me but will not find me since they hated knowledge and did not choose to fear the Lord. (Prov. 1:28)
In the modern world, the desire for a thorough intellectual depth of knowledge has become widespread. While an influx of information has been made available and the means of accessing this information have become pervasive, there is a gap between that access to information and the possession of wisdom. Wisdom is a central topic in the "sapiential" books, i.e. Proverbs, Psalms, Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes, etc. In the New Testament, the Greek word sophia, meaning “wisdom”, is used to refer to this concept, deconstructing worldly wisdom in contrast with Divine Wisdom. In Prov.1:20-33, we are introduced to the personification of wisdom (in the feminine plural form) as a righteous woman abounding with understanding, discretion and knowledge.

1. Call to Seek Divine Wisdom: This passage paints the image of Wisdom walking through the streets and complaining to those around her. She even goes to the city gate. This is especially symbolic because in ancient times, judges were often found at the city gates. She wants to obtain a judgment against her children, who were not seeking the path of wisdom. They are described as “simple” (easily influenced by others), as “scorners” and “fools” (verse 22). Will we be naive and foolish when it comes to receiving God's wisdom? Today is the day to learn wisdom from God, as scripture says in Job 28:28, “Respect God! This is true wisdom.” As Christians, our search for wisdom should converge to the life and teaching of Christ himself, who is the center of all divine revelation, not only the essential Wisdom, but the eternal Word.

2. Call to Live in the Divine Wisdom: The consequences of rejecting wisdom are spelled out: calamity like a storm(v27)Wisdom proclaims disaster to the wicked children. The destruction which they bring upon others inevitably falls back upon them. She laughs at their falls, paralleling Ps. 37:13 where it states: “God laughs at the judgment of the wicked.” In every prophecy, the word “judgment” points to the act of repentance. This is wisdom's humble appeal. The pouring of the “spirit of wisdom” (Prov.1:23, Ex. 28:3, Deut. 34:9, Ez. 11:5, John 7:37–39) produces the skill and capacity necessary for righteous living. There are points of no return. When the storm is upon us , it is too late to seek shelter. Timing in life is essential. It assumes that men can change, and in doing so, it is in harmony with that human capacity to accommodate that change. The acquiring of great wisdom is in vain unless that wisdom is not utilized in everyday life practices. Thus the Divine Wisdom becomes part of our being.

Prayer: God, Lord of all wisdoms, forgive our foolishness, teach us your wisdom and lead us to your Kingdom.

Rev. Joji K Mathew, St. John’s , New York

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