Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
John 13:1-17
After washing his disciples’ feet and telling them that he has set an example for them to follow, Jesus says, “If you know these things, you are blessed if you do them.” (John 13:17 -NRSV) In other versions, the word ‘blessed’ is translated as happy. Today, so many people are trying to be happy by accumulating material wealth. Others try to be happy by become popular or famous. Still others believe that they can be happy if they can accumulate power. Even Jesus’ disciples often argued about who was the greatest.
But Christ teaches and shows us that the only way to true happiness and greatness (Matthew 23:11) is by serving others in the love of the Lord. Christ here demonstrates the humility that we are all called to emulate. But notice that there is no sign of humiliation. He is not embarrassed or disgraced because he washes his disciples’ feet. But he tells us that we will be blessed and happy if we also can truly serve others in the love of the Lord.
Further, when Christ tells his disciples, “… you also ought to wash one another’s feet.” (John 13:14), he is telling his disciples that they are to create a community where everyone is equal. There is no one person who is superior, but all in the Spirit of God, realize that they are one, (John 17:21). A community where everyone is valued and considered important, because they are all made in the image of their creator, and because their creator died for them. A community where everyone is part of the royal priesthood by serving God through serving others. The example we set by striving for this goal, is one of the best ways to do our mission and proclaim the good news.
Prayer: Lord, help us to follow the example of Christ in our life by loving and serving others. Amen
Rev.Shiby Abraham, Colarado