The Journey 68: Transformation in my community

Read: Exodus 3
Key Verse: “ For you created my innermost being, you knit me together in my mothers womb, I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made” [ Psalms 139: 13-14
                “Pro Life or Pro Choice”. This is what Americans are debating about, which one of the stand regarding abortion is ethically and morally good– pro life or pro choice. This comes on a day when the State of Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell on Wednesday signed into law, a bill requiring women to obtain an ultrasound before having an abortion, making Virginia the seventh state to adopt such a law, according to the Christian Post reports. This has been widely welcomed by the pro life groups and protested by pro choice groups. But in the midst of all these there is another group that is slowly raising its head by arguing for a new dangerous choice and law of “After-Birth Abortion”. These are people who are now arguing for the morality and legalization of “after-birth abortion.” Some one rightly said that we live in a culture of death. But sometime I feel that this culture of death is not only related to the unborn babies but is also related to every human being who is suppressed from living his life to the fullest, because of many oppressive factors that he has to face as he tries to live his life in the present day society and community, full of violence and death. Thus it is in this wider context of the culture of death, culture where people are trampled and oppressed by not allowing them to live life in in its fullest,  that we are called to be instruments in the transformation of our community, through our relationship with Jesus Christ.
               This week we are meditating this week on the theme “ Transformation in our community” based on the life and ministry of Moses. In the biblical portion that we were meditation we understand the nature and the character of God as God reveals his mind to Moses so that He can become and instrument in God’s hand to bring justice and liberation. God is very affirmative and clear in telling Moses that He has heard the cry of the suffering people. As we meditated this week, when God reveals that He is sensitive to the cry of the suffering people, He is revealing continuously His nature to Moses. When God says He wants to bring justice and liberation to the people of Israel, what I feel is here is God who is “ Pro Life”. Pro Life in a sense that, God wants every created being to live life in its fullest. That is why even Jesus Christ said that “ I have come that you may have life and life in all its fullest” [ John 10:10]. What God wants or the will of God is that every human being should have opportunity and avenues to live life to the fullest and hence any context, or structure or laws that inhibit a person to live life to the fullest is something that God disapproves. It is here that we as Christians are called to oppose anything that hinders that fullness of life that God offers to everyone. This also requires on our part, to see that we also as we live in the community, our life also  needs to ordered and organized in such a way that we do not become knowingly or unknowingly the agents of oppression in the life of the common people in their quest to live life in its fullest, on the contrary be agents of change and transformation in the life of others where we help other and be a catalyst for them to live life in its fullest.
Pro Life or Pro Choice?
Let us Pray: Dear God we live in a world where more than your will, the will of each individual is taking precedence. Help us to live our life in such a way that we are able to live and allow other also to live life in its fullest. Amen

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