The Journey 35: Transformation in my family life

Read: Genesis 2,3
Key Verse: “Search me  O God, and know my heart, test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting [ Psalms 139: 23-24

                         A couple married for 15 years began having some disagreements and conflicts . They wanted to overcome these conflicts because they wanted to make their marriage enriching. But how to go about it was an issue. Finally the both agreed to do something that the wife planned. For one month they decided to drop a slip in a "Fault" box. The boxes would provide a place to let the other know about how the other person has brought about disharmony in marriage. The wife was diligent in her efforts and approach. She started putting slips n the box stating: "did not tidy the bed," "wet towels on the shower floor," "did not wash the clothes," on and on until the end of the month. After dinner, at the end of the month, they exchanged boxes. The husband reflected on what he had done wrong so that he could correct himself. He found a number of complaints against him. Then the wife opened her box and began reading. They were all the same, the message on each slip read , "I love you!" . One looking at the faults the other just complimenting.
                 On Saturday’s our theme for meditation is “transformation in our family life”. From this Saturday we shall  meditate on the life of the first family: “ Adam and Eve”. The first family is mentioned in the book of Genesis 1-3. Both Adam and Eve had a meaningful marital life till sin came to their life. How sin came into their life is something that we will meditate later. When Eve was given to Adam as his suitable partner look at the response that Adam made when he first saw Eve: “ This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh, she shall be called woman, for she was taken out of man” [Genesis 2:23]. Here is Adam singing his first love song to his wife since there was no romantic songs penned down before by anyone which he could have sung nor he had the services of the “I Tunes” library which would have given him the best selection of romantic songs to be dedicated to his wife. But later their marriage is on the rocks because of “sin” that they both committed. When God confronts both Adam and Eve, look at the response of Adam. Adam tells God “ The woman you put here with me– she gave some fruit from the tree and I ate it”[ Genesis 3: 12]. Here are both person pointing fingers at each other and at God. One of the serious issues that hampers and fragments family life is when spouses point fingers at each other. The more you point fingers at each other, we need to remember that we are causing disharmony in our family life. When you point fingers you are telling that whatever has happened in my family life is because of the spouse that God has given to  me. Transformation in our family life can happen only if each member of the family starts taking a stock of their own life, their dealings and unhealthy responses that they make and see how they have caused problems in the family rather than becoming very defensive and pointing fingers at your spouse or your children stating that whatever happens in our family life is because of them. If we are ready to examine our lives so as to make necessary corrections, Holy Spirit will help us in that effort, to make an evaluation of our lives and bring about change in our family life [ Psalms 139: 23-24].
Think “How often do you point fingers”?
For Further Study:   Ruth 1,2;   Ephesians 5,6

Let us Pray: Lord you want us to make our family life a blessed and an meaningful experience. But we often tend to blame each other and pointing fingers at each other. Forgive our sins of being self righteous. Help us to evaluate our lives . Amen

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