Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

Come Holy Spirit Set Us Free
Reny Varughese
Epiphany MTC, NY
"..If God is for us, who is against us? 32 He who did not withhold his own Son, but gave him up for all of us, will he not with him also give us everything else? "

In this passage, Paul asks several questions—seven to be exact; which draws attention to the power of God’s Love in setting us free from bondage.  There are many times in our day to day lives where we encounter set backs or conflicts that leave us feeling helpless or defeated.  Paul encourages us with the truth in verses 31-32, that if we have God on our side, there is no power of the enemy that can ever prevail.  If God displays His Love for us through the deliverance of our sins, through the sacrifice of  His only Son, He will indeed give us all that we need to live a life that brings Him Glory.
This passage declares freedom in a time where we struggle with feeling as though there is no turning back from whatever wrongs we have done or sins we battle with.  This passage urges His people to turn back to Him, to a Love that heals, that restores and declares us worthy and righteous! Through the blood of Jesus we are made right before God—it’s the liberating truth that sets us free as believers.  Verses 33-34 resonates that God’s Love does not condemn us, but works for our good and for what is right before His eyes.
Lastly, verses 35-39 is a beautiful display of the depth, and height of God’s immeasurable Love towards us.  We can rest assured that there is nothing at all imaginable that can ever separate God’s people from His Love.  Though in this world we may struggle and face sufferings of all sorts, we can fully know that we have a God who walks before us during those times of trials and tribulations.  This gives hope to a broken world—that we are never alone nor are we ever left defeated.  Through the Love and sacrifice of our Lord, we are MORE THAN conquerers, for Christ did all that was ever needed in setting us free to live fully in Him.


Father, we come before You, in awe of who You are and Your immeasurable Love towards us.  Thank You for Loving us to the point of sacrificing Your Son for us, so we may have a life with You. Amen


“Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God.” -1 Peter 2:16

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